Testimonials - Spare Air Saved My Life

If you have a story about SPARE AIR, we would love to hear it! Please send us a message.

“I thought I had enough air when beginning ascent, but more time passed than expected. The SPARE AIR saved my day and bacon!”

Ron Milam, Missoula MT

“Being an instructor I have a sense of security because I know I have my Spare Air. I do not enter the water without it. It gives you the control to make that ascent. My dive masters use it, I use it, my students use it. I feel comfortable with the fact that it’s always there."

Dave Martinache, Lakewood, CO

“Mr. Williamson, your product prevented a difficult situation from becoming a tragedy and I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks. The convenience and reliability of the Spare Air has indeed proven itself to me and I commend you for it.”

Richard Theiss, Arcadia, CA

“I would probably have been able to get free without the Spare Air but I’m glad I didn’t have to find out.”

Jeff Hampsten, H&H Dive & Travel, Pocatello, ID

“This is to inform you that your SPARE AIR has saved another one. At 12 ft. I probably could have surfaced without any breathing air but the possession of an emergency backup kept me from panic. The bottom line is that I got my investment back in a few precarious minutes. So many thanks to you and your company."

Ernie Miller, Baton Rouge, LA

“At about 80 feet my regulator started breathing very hard. I switched to my Spare Air and continued my accent uneventfully. You can rest assured I will never dive without this piece of equipment – I consider it a must!”

Richard Bass

“While diving in Aruba, I was given a newly serviced tank. Someone had used the wrong size o-ring for the valve. The result was that after a few minutes, and at 95', the O-ring blew, emptying my tank in seconds. The young lady that I was asked by the local school to supervise did not have an Octopus and was on her third dive! So I had to rely entirely upon my SPARE AIR.”

Frits A. Louw, Netherlands

"I apparently had some type of malfunction in my equipment and it required me to use the SPARE AIR in an emergency ascent. To this day I do not know what happened, but I believe strongly in the SPARE AIR. I have carried a SPARE AIR with me as standard equipment for two years, but this is the first time I have had to use it in an emergency situation. If I had an Octopus only, I've often wondered what would have happened. When you have only a few seconds time to react because of an out of air situation, no questions asked, you should have a SPARE AIR within reach so you don't have to think twice about what you should do.”

Joyce Ripley, Yuba City, CA

“I had just begun to head for the surface and my dive computer was signaling for me to slow my descent. Right then I felt myself take my last breathe of air from the tank. It was empty, I was at 75 feet, and my dive buddy was nowhere to be seen. I grabbed my Spare Air and took the sweetest breath of air in 36 years. By the time I got to the surface, that Spare Air was empty and I am convinced that I couldn’t have made it up without the edge your product gave me.”

David F., New York

“I would like to thank you and your wonderful device that you have created. If it were not so, I could not have written you this letter.”

Steve Martell, Vancouver, BC

“I went out on the boat without checking the rental tank. I didn’t have a full tank of air and ended up at 60 ft. without air. I gave my dive buddy the out of air sign, he didn’t know what it was and he didn’t have an octopus either. So I did what any safety-oriented diver would do. I just reached down on my BC and got out my Spare Air and made a safe ascent. Thank you Spare Air!”

Arthur Cleve Barnes, PADI Divemaster, Panama City, FL

“This Spare Air system saved my life. I have logged over 9000 dives, and I never experienced a complete failure of my gauge system before. The Spare Air system gave me enough air to swim over to my buddy and locate, secure, and breathe from his alternate air source second stage. I hope that I never again have another complete failure of my life support system while diving, but it’s good to know that my Spare Air unit is always there for me when I need it!”

Capt. Bruce Besser, PADI Master Instructor, Beach Divers Hawaii

“Your system might not give a diver the exact same ease of breathing as a two stage regulator, but at 80 feet, who’s complaining. My regulator is presently in the shop being checked. Even before I purchased Spare Air I recognized it as a life saving device far more flexible than having a spare regulator on your tank. My humble thanks to all the people that have brought the Spare Air system to the divers of the world.”

John Tuckish, Washington DC

“I have to share my experience with you. I am a newly certified diver. I went to Cozumel with friends; on my 8th dive I had a tank failure at about 28 ft. No air and my dive buddy was not paying attention to me. So I ditched weights, pulled out Spare Air and made an easy ascent to the surface. All my dive buddies plan on getting Spare Air’s prior to our next trip.”

Rob Silverman, MD, Fayetteville, NY

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